Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Impact Of IT On Society In Today’s Generation

When we speak of the impact of technology on society, we always talk about the positive effects of technology and about how technology has made life easy. We talk about the Internet as an information resource and a communication platform and conveniently ignore the fact that an overexposure to it leads to Internet addiction. We often discuss how technology has made life easy but easily forget that it has made us overly dependent on it. Have you thought of the impact of technology from this point of view? I am sure, most of you haven't. Let us look at this aspect of technology here.


There are a lot of positive things to do with social communication for example you can communicate with people at the other end of the world there is no limit to how far you can communicate as long as there is another person who is able to reply to your email / facebook comments. You can meet a lot more friends over the social network and can arrange to meet new people. Communicating over the internet is fast and easy you can send a message to someone in America inside seconds this is handy if you are communicating with family or even friends who maybe you have not communicated with for a while for whatever the circumstances were. Although there is all the above there is a down side to social communication where you can be in danger you could be talking to someone over the internet and you could have never met them face to face in your life. When you send an email to a friend or person from your family you do not get to see what their reactions or facial expressions to your email. You could get involved in cyber bullying or you could get bullied over the internet yourself. Also being on the computer everyday can make you extremely lazy and this can be highly addictive and in some cases cause obesity.

Texting alone has made a huge impact on the grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills of people of all ages, including those over 25. Teachers see it, professors see it, and employers are seeing it now too. These technologies at our disposal are here to make our lives easier, and teach us things we didn’t already know, or forgot. Instead of using them to teach us, we use them to correct us, move on, and forget. If spell check says you spelled a word wrong, make note of it, correct it, move on, and remember!


The internet is a wonderful thing when it comes to searching for information people who would like to learn new things can do this via the internet you don’t need to read paragraphs and paragraphs of information you can just get the answer you need by a click of a mouse.  The internet is very good for looking up coursework and it gives you helpful tips as well.  But the internet can result in people just breaching copyright laws by copying and pasting everything that they see this can result in a fail in your coursework also if you have a facebook or anything and you are on the internet doing coursework you could be distracted by this and end up sitting on facebook all evening and getting no coursework done.

As for our current generation, my word of advice is to not rely heavily on technology to live your lives. Your life is yours to control. Teach yourself these skills because without them, we will struggle to move on as a society. Don’t forget the technologies because without them as well, we will struggle to move forward. Technology has made learning, making friends, having fun, and interacting so much easier than ever before. It would be a shame to use the capabilities of them and turn them into our worst enemy.
To the parents of these generations…yes, you have a role here too. Make your children talk to their friends face-to-face because you don’t know to whom they are talking and they you also don’te ven know what they have talking about. 

Last but not least, the “pro’s” tend to lean more towards making our life easier and making it take less time to get things done. The “con’s” are primarily that we take these technologies for granted and lose sight of reality. As a result, this society today has moved towards social media sites as their primary form of communication among friends instead of being more social in the real world. Society is moving away from social interactions, like the almighty (and feared) face-to-face communications and it’s very disheartening. Finally, I hope that we keep come up with these brilliant ideas, but I also hope that we, the users, don’t become more antisocial because of it!

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