Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Impact Of IT On Society In Today’s Generation

When we speak of the impact of technology on society, we always talk about the positive effects of technology and about how technology has made life easy. We talk about the Internet as an information resource and a communication platform and conveniently ignore the fact that an overexposure to it leads to Internet addiction. We often discuss how technology has made life easy but easily forget that it has made us overly dependent on it. Have you thought of the impact of technology from this point of view? I am sure, most of you haven't. Let us look at this aspect of technology here.


There are a lot of positive things to do with social communication for example you can communicate with people at the other end of the world there is no limit to how far you can communicate as long as there is another person who is able to reply to your email / facebook comments. You can meet a lot more friends over the social network and can arrange to meet new people. Communicating over the internet is fast and easy you can send a message to someone in America inside seconds this is handy if you are communicating with family or even friends who maybe you have not communicated with for a while for whatever the circumstances were. Although there is all the above there is a down side to social communication where you can be in danger you could be talking to someone over the internet and you could have never met them face to face in your life. When you send an email to a friend or person from your family you do not get to see what their reactions or facial expressions to your email. You could get involved in cyber bullying or you could get bullied over the internet yourself. Also being on the computer everyday can make you extremely lazy and this can be highly addictive and in some cases cause obesity.

Texting alone has made a huge impact on the grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills of people of all ages, including those over 25. Teachers see it, professors see it, and employers are seeing it now too. These technologies at our disposal are here to make our lives easier, and teach us things we didn’t already know, or forgot. Instead of using them to teach us, we use them to correct us, move on, and forget. If spell check says you spelled a word wrong, make note of it, correct it, move on, and remember!


The internet is a wonderful thing when it comes to searching for information people who would like to learn new things can do this via the internet you don’t need to read paragraphs and paragraphs of information you can just get the answer you need by a click of a mouse.  The internet is very good for looking up coursework and it gives you helpful tips as well.  But the internet can result in people just breaching copyright laws by copying and pasting everything that they see this can result in a fail in your coursework also if you have a facebook or anything and you are on the internet doing coursework you could be distracted by this and end up sitting on facebook all evening and getting no coursework done.

As for our current generation, my word of advice is to not rely heavily on technology to live your lives. Your life is yours to control. Teach yourself these skills because without them, we will struggle to move on as a society. Don’t forget the technologies because without them as well, we will struggle to move forward. Technology has made learning, making friends, having fun, and interacting so much easier than ever before. It would be a shame to use the capabilities of them and turn them into our worst enemy.
To the parents of these generations…yes, you have a role here too. Make your children talk to their friends face-to-face because you don’t know to whom they are talking and they you also don’te ven know what they have talking about. 

Last but not least, the “pro’s” tend to lean more towards making our life easier and making it take less time to get things done. The “con’s” are primarily that we take these technologies for granted and lose sight of reality. As a result, this society today has moved towards social media sites as their primary form of communication among friends instead of being more social in the real world. Society is moving away from social interactions, like the almighty (and feared) face-to-face communications and it’s very disheartening. Finally, I hope that we keep come up with these brilliant ideas, but I also hope that we, the users, don’t become more antisocial because of it!

The Importance of a Good Information Management System

All companies use information to set strategies and accomplish business objectives.  But how many CEOs and CIOs would say they are satisfied that their companies get maximum value from information?  Not many.  How many have a systematic plan for evolving their information capabilities to the next level?  

A good management information system will only reap the benefits if the companies gain insight to better align strategies and identify critical relationships and gaps along four key company dimensions – people, process, culture and infrastructure.
A good information system provides a framework for companies to evaluate themselves relative to these dimensions. By understanding and improving alignment with these critical dimensions, companies can maximize the value and impact of information as a strategic corporate asset to gain competitive advantage.

The following are the most important reasons to have a good management information system: 

1. To control the creation and growth of records
Despite decades of using various non-paper storage media, the amount of paper in our offices continues to escalate. An effective records information system addresses both creation control (limits the generation of records or copies not required to operate the business) and records retention (a system for destroying useless records or retiring inactive records), thus stabilizing the growth of records in all formats.

2. To reduce operating costs
Recordkeeping requires administrative dollars for filing equipment, space in offices, and staffing to maintain an organized filing system (or to search for lost records when there is no organized system).
It costs considerably less per linear foot of records to store inactive records in a Data Records Center versus in the office. [Multiply that by 30% to 50% of the records in an office that doesn't have a records management program in place], and there is an opportunity to effect some cost savings in space and equipment, and an opportunity to utilize staff more productively - just by implementing a records management program. 

3. To improve efficiency and productivity
Time spent searching for missing or misfiled records is non-productive. A good records management program (e.g. a document system) can help any organization upgrade its recordkeeping systems so that information retrieval is enhanced, with corresponding improvements in office efficiency and productivity. A well designed and operated filing system with an effective index can facilitate retrieval and deliver information to users as quickly as they need it.
Moreover, a well managed information system acting as a corporate asset enables organizations to objectively evaluate their use of information and accurately lay out a roadmap for improvements that optimize business returns.

4. To assimilate new records management technologies
A good records management program provides an organization with the capability to assimilate new technologies and take advantage of their many benefits. Investments in new computer systems whether this is financial, business or otherwise, don't solve filing problems unless current manual recordkeeping or bookkeeping systems are analyzed (and occasionally, overhauled) before automation is applied.

5. To safeguard vital information
Every organization, public or private, needs a comprehensive program for protecting its vital records and information from catastrophe or disaster, because every organization is vulnerable to loss. Operated as part of a good management information system, vital records programs preserve the integrity and confidentiality of the most important records and safeguard the vital information assets according to a "Plan" to protect the records.  This is especially the case for financial information whereby ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are being deployed in large companies.

6. To support better management decision making
In today's business environment, the manager that has the relevant data first often wins, either by making the decision ahead of the competition, or by making a better, more informed decision. A good management information system can help ensure that managers and executives have the information they need when they need it.
By implementing an enterprise-wide file organization, including indexing and retrieval capability, managers can obtain and assemble pertinent information quickly for current decisions and future business planning purposes.  Likewise, implementing a good ERP system to take account of all the business’ processes both financial and operational will give an organization more advantages than one who was operating a manual based system.

Source :  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-information-systems-organization-69529.html

How Smartphones Will Boost Your Productivity

Using a smartphone is becoming one of the best things one can do for business. These devices have revolutionized the way that business works. No longer are individuals stuck at desks and cubicles all day and chained to their computers. The  smart phone use is because these smart phone and cell phone combinations have made it possible to check e-mail, work on the road, stay in touch with news, and even stay in touch with the office no matter where one might happen to be.
Here the ways how smart phone keep your productivity while you are on the road:

Access your company's data now.
By using the smart phone, the managers can access to the company’s data anywhere there go According to John Minor a senior vice president at SimulScribe, a mobile communications company, "Being connected to your office server via a Smartphone allows for a mobile worker to function as if they are at their desk from the road," He says "They have access to the data they normally wouldn't have without carrying a laptop." And if the management use the Microsoft Small Business Server, Best of all, the built-in functionality of Small Business Server allows it to create a high level of security.

Accomplish more and fast.
With smart phone also, the work progress can be reduce and the managers can settle lots of jobs in a day. This is due to the boundless access to the company’s information data and the important decision made also can be made straight away without going back to the office. Thus it leads to a better productivity.

Syncing with your desktop
Many programs automatically sync with your desktop computer. This is important so you do not have to transfer data from your smart phone to your desktop in order to access it. Applications that provide calendar on the go syncing can be a real help when it comes to conducting business. This is done via your smartphones data plan and cuts down on a lot of the work you would otherwise have to do. Having your smart phone work for you is essential. This is why it is a good idea to check out other file on the go apps. Services such as evernote and dropbox allow for sharing files via the internet. This can make it easy to access a set group of files from your pc, as long as you save them in the appropriate folder, without having to remember to send them to yourself online.

Keep your frustrations to a minimum.
Since the technology is made to work in tandem, the result is a superior user experience with fewer frustrations. And the less time you spend fixing something, the more time you have to work. Having virtually problem-free mobile technology minimizes your frustrations out of the office-and maximizes your productivity.

 Given all that, there might be a temptation to leave your laptop back at the office. But think again, say experts. "While Smartphones are powerful and very useful, they do not replace the laptop. It is thought that since these devices are so advanced, they have the same capabilities as the laptop. And that simply is not true." However, through this new technology, the business can be run smoothly and fast since today world is about maximizing profits (money) and lowest cost (time).

 here a video on Mobile Apps Improve Productivity for Employees on the Road: Orlando Brewing Company Case Study

source: http://www.mybusiness.com.au/technology/how-smartphones-will-increase-your-productivity